First of all I wanna wish you guys MERRY CHRISTMAS ! No Christmas for me as I'm left alone in my room. Ya. So sad I know :'( No one even cares. Anyway... This is a post about my first prom night ever. FIRST LO hahaha. There's no prom in my high school T____T I don't even know what I should wear so...
Hey yo, final exam is finally over!!! yayyy So happy and I pray hard that I wont resit la :P So right after my exams, I start to plan what I can do...I hope there will be more upcoming activities lah. Do date me :D So my senior friends marked down my Thursday for Kah Mei's surprise party. Kah Mei is also one...
Hello to everyone who's reading this. OK I have to say that this might be a wordy and quite serious post. As my emo feeling strikes in now.I have not much friends to talk to when I'm sad because I'm not used to show people the sad face of mine. I cannot talk to my family too because I don't know how. I...
Hello peeps :) Have you guys heard of Off The Rack Asia ? It is actually a online shopping website BUT not the mainstream ones as it sells clothes of local brands from different talented designers at a very affordable price. GOOD QUALITY, GREAT FASHION. This is one of their tagline of their philosophy. You don't need to worry that you might purchase bad...