
What I've learned throughout this whole process

Just recently I read an article about "leaving your friends out of your relationships" which I can totally relate with and I agree that we shouldn't share too much to our friends. Lesson learned. Generally speaking I really do not get what they think because I personally won't act such way if similar things happened so I never expected these. I even got...

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Life goes on but......

So if you followed me on Instagram you should've known that I've been very heartbroken recently. I lost someone who I am really in love with. So the relationship which I thought only death would break us apart finally ended and I am actually still trying to deal with my own feelings right now. I thought I've found the one I can be...

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Althea Turns 2!

I believe those we've been reading my blog know that I'm a big fan of Althea.kr as most of their stuffs are much cheaper than those in their retail shop. Words can't describe how much I love Althea. As a girl, we're definitely gonna spend some of our expenses on beauty products once in awhile. Althea is here to help you save!! Shop...

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July Updates

Hello readers, It's already July omg! Half of 2017 is gone!  So today I'm gonna have some sentimental talk today. Do you guys ever felt that relationships, friendships, these things that involved feelings are sometimes quite fragile? It doesn't work when it's only one party who's trying to fix the problem. However when you encounter with someone who doesn't really put effort or...

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Mr Chew's Chino Latino Bar @ WOLO hotel

Hello guys,  so I've finally went on a self pampered day again. Had been hiding at home for quite a long time already since I wanted to save up :(  Oh wells, I guess working life is pretty dull so I still need some hangout session after work once in a while. So yeah, yesterday I went to this new place located at...

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My first baking class

Hello everyone! So I've won my first ever baking class last Saturday. Yes, WON. Lucky me :) I've always wanted to enroll to some baking class as it is my current favourite hobby! (wanna train to be a good baker so I could feed my future husband and kids with yummy treats hahaha) Thanks to  myflavorfood  check them out if you're looking for...

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AirAsiaGo: "The online travel portal introduces Muslim-friendly travel options"


Air conditioner service in KL: Acontech

Hello readers, today I am gonna share an amazing service with you guys which I've found lately! ACONTECH During my uni days, my aircond has been giving me lots of troubles such as water leakage, aircond not cold enough etc and I don't even know who to get help from. Those contact number by the roadside I don't even bother to call as...

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Regrets in life

If you ask me what's my biggest regret in life, I wouldn't know which to pick among all. It might be, Hurting the people I shouldn't had... Saying the stuffs I supposed not... Not doing the task that I should have perform or not treasuring the people I should have did before they're gone. There's many of regrets in our life, The fact...

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I wonder why

I wonder why people get heartbreaks I wonder why when we've tried our best we're still not good enough I wonder why we humans get very in love and yet can be separated at last I wonder why some things are not always up to our expectation I wonder why do I not be more mean so the sadness in me wouldn't feel...

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I've graduated!

Finally. After so long. I got to wear the magical graduation robe. The initial date of convocation was supposed to be on November 2016 but it extended till end of April 2017. That's why my graduation happened so long after I got a job. Anyways, the diet plan for convocation didn't work well. fml. HAHA but I was glad for everyone who attended....

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What to do on Mother's day? (ft. giveaway @Musebyjanice)

Hello! Mother's day is just around the corner. FYI it's on 14th of May (Sunday) 2017. So I'm gonna write a few ideas on how you can show love to your mother on this special day. 1. Make her a card This might sound boring and childish but this is actually enough to cheer your mum up. The price tag on your gifts...

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