Hi Guys ^^It's holiday and I finally went out!I went to spring..*yeahh* Spring again =____=And I watched KUNGFU PANDA 2 !!U shall not miss this movie...It's cute n hillarious :3 Look at Baby Po ! Awww ~ =)and these cute bunnies !really cute til beh tahannnnn~HAHAhehe~This is the first time I use my Channel bag since I bought it for quite a long...
Hello once again~~HOLIDAY starts already!! WOHOO~ Weather is so hot recently...drink more water ya.. I hv a habit to drink soya bean milk n fresh milk.. hehe =) Oh well..I'll blog abt food tat I ate few days ago on tis post I found out a new cafe open at jln song it's located behind oneJaya mall.. Vj cafe I like the wheatgrass...
HEH hehhhh! Hi.. No time to blog yet..wil blog a.s.a.p sorry readers =/ TOMORROW IS THE LAST DAY OF EXAM ! Wootsssss~ let me share a cute pic wiv u guyyysss !! The SPONGY-Bird & Pat-Pat Bird !! Cute Rite??? aiteeeeee.... X.O.X.O ...
Hi there ..I'm hving test recently so I did not update my blog so often..ARGH~So STRESS-ed T^THave to deal wiv problems of d exam...and my family..urghhh~I really dunno how to do..How?Can someone help me?sometimes my family members listen to wad other ppl says rather than listening to me..*especially my mum*aihhh~I really nid helpor I'll collapse one day =OTrying to CHILLSo I went to...
Halo halo!!! Finally I went out today My cousin,Mei Kho...jio me out to support his boyfie GO BALD at Spring!!! I'm GROWING PIMPLES b'cos too much STRESS!!! arghhhh~~~~ I owes cover it~ I feel shy T^T Here's my couzie.. I dunno she oso jio her frens go..so end up lots of ppl goin too~TEEHEE Waa...they announced 300++ ppl go bald on tat day...