Hello peeps :) This is an overdue throwback post which I'm gonna blog today regarding the NeoGalHE party that I attended last Sunday @Signature, The Roof. My Second time there. The first time was during the sunsilk hair play party remember? :) BTW Thanks to Herbal Essences & Nuffnang for organizing this party. My #ootd should dress more casually lah.. They gave us...
Yo! Hello from Janicekbaby & LuYourHighness :) Finally met after so long. Updates going on every random moment of our outing. PFFTTT too private I cannot share here HAHA Today I'm gonna blog about our trip to Shanghai!! Shanghai day trip yo. WHATTTT? You don't believe me?! You must trust me lahh I teach you how~ Okay so before our trip, we went...