The Royal Wedding ♥
11:29 AM

They look adorable n sweet together =)
I watched E-News today about them sweet... sweet...
they've been together for 10 yrs already..
but they ever broke up in between..
couples are like that,
there's only 2 kind of ending in the end1. Break up
We should appreciate our love ones...conflicts and arguments cannot be avoidsometimes...we get closer after each quarrel
BUTthe most important thing is,
If u still love him/her
GET HIM/HER BACK and let him/her BE YOURS !
you have the right to hold back ur love...
Don't let regrets left behind
Feeling glad for Prince William b'cos he did it..!! ^^v
He manage to get her back n promised her tat he will marry her
He was once a playful teenager too,like everyone else...
But he realised tat,
Kate is the one tat he wanna spend his time with in the rest of his life
So he PROMISED her..
how sweet :3
I really admire Kate Middleton !!
She's hot, pretty, stunning, gorgeous and FASHIONABLE !!
She has an eye in fashion

I WANT *saliva flowing down* SLURP =P

All the attire that she wore are elegant n yet fashionable..
wish tat they will be sweet forever in their marrige life
and have cute babies as soon as possible =D
For more info about their wedding,
log on to
I guess I'll end my post now =p
gonna go to bed now...