
21st feb...MY BIRTHDAY

Hi !!! I'm officially 18 already !! OMG..old :( actually I'm quite shocked that my new friends actually celebrated my b'day with me !!! soooo happy =) thanks for celebrating my bday !!  especially Jessie,Deidre,Yih Hwan,Jia Rong,Jia Xin,Sue Jing,Ai Pei,Cynthia,Julia,Vivian Tan,Vivian Lee,Adrian AND thanks for all those wishes in Facebook and those who wishes me personally ! =)  It's an unforgettable 18th bday...

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Valentine's Day :3

Hi...I'm quite happy during this year's valentine's day.. how bout u? have fun?hehe Valentine's day is about spending time with your loved ones..friends n family :) so baby boy flew all the way to KL and celebrate with me !  He sent delivery to my class !!'YES I WAS SHOCKED O.o and happy la... He got me a bouquet of flowers,a huge rilakkuma...

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Uni life :)

 ASSIGNMENTS OVERLOAD !!! omg...haih 1 group and 1 individual projects..got journal n presentations lagi ! and 8 HOURS COMMUNITY SERVICE !  WALAO~ just start class after holidays den so many thgs hv to do liao *faint* NEVERMIND!! RELAX~CHILL~~ fml still enjoying wiv my frens HAHA Having nice food everyday!! but I start to go gym liaoooo ! needa keep fit ,like seriously !...

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What Would My 3D World be with LG Optimus 3D?

Okay; so when we say Optimus doesn’t your mind immediately wonder towards Optimus Prime? The leader of the Autobots; the ultimate warrior! Well, the LG Optimus 3D was one of the first 3D phones in the market which revolutionized the entire mobile experience. While the real Optimus Prime was a real hero battling the evil Megatron; the LG Optimus 3D one-ups the robot with a...

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I'm back !! update update !

HELLO boys n girls !  Phew...finally settled everythg ~  FYI,I'm already in university now ~ Taylor Lakeside University !! yay ~ Being quite busy recently so I can't update my blog..I bought my own laptop n now I'm able too blog anytime ! WHEE I'm quite satisfy with my accomodation room but it's quite pricey...RM1100 per mth *for single room with sharing bathroom*!...

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