WOHOO! CNY mood is coming...BUT i really dun feel happy at all...cos without YOU,my CNY wil jus gonna be bored T^T 5J !! my class...we start to decorate our class and FIGHT wif 5I !!And we take pichas along the day ! WHEE !!~San n me =) San,Me,Alby & Lyn goin crazy LOL!The GIRLS !!! X.O.X.OMe & Alby..n nic lee as the background...
FLY FLY FLY !SHOP SHOP SHOP ~ xPWHEE~~I went to KL on the 19th of Jan to the 24th of Jan~I stayed at Coronade hotel near Bukit Bintang..nt bad~near to many shopping malls..can save cab fares =) Pavillion BUNNY~so cute =3= waiting for food de face ~ xDAHA! I oso went to KL bird park on 22nd of Jan,SaturdayBUT!!~ i was unlucky tho~A...
I'm now in KLmy dear's bday just passed...I missed him much~I wanna see him =(HAPPY BDAY once again dearI LOVE UI'll blog about my trip when i go back =)X.O.X.O ...
haaa~I've not update my blog 4 quite a long time...Phewww....tired ahhhI dun like goin to school..=(rawr!Boy boy's bday is coming soonI WANNA BE THERE FOR HIM :'(booo!~CNY is coming soon too~come back my dearI MISS U ehh =3=X.O.X.O ...
HAIH~Janice is awake frm 1++ a.m...till now...=___=even til the thunder rain stops..GO SCHOOL Liao !How to go school lidat...=(T^T...bye... ...
Hi...Sorry for the really late update ~hmm..I'm hving lots of fun during Christmas & New year countdown =pCos my dear is wif me..hehe^^Well...gonna let the pictures talk cos Im nt tat free for blogging since school reopensT^Tsorry 4 tat...WUU~cos I'm gonna hv SPM tis year ! OMG... Thr's lot of different christmas trees tat i saw throughout my trip..thr's lot more..but i just...