Christmas had just passed !! do u enjoy it?? Hmm I DO !! went to Check-in pub at Travillion with Lucas n Jason..bumped into many frens Bryan brandon ~ handsome guy =) me n Ida the lenglui ! Karen the cute lil gal =) me,Lucas,Herbert yoyoyo ! =P I'm heading to KL LATER ! woots... I stop working at Fullhouse n I start...
HALO ! I'm really so busy after working... not enough time for me to update my blog cause I'm too tired after work...AND !!! my cam spoiled dy =( so sad till I almost cry =( I took alot of great pics dat day T^T but...ALL GONEEEEE ! Fard !!!! Wohooo ! my sista come visit me while I'm working ! *loves*
Wonder why I seldom update recently?? cause yeahhh~I'm working at Fullhouse cafe !! quite tiring but it's fun !! I finally can wear my uniform dyyyyy~and I loss 3kg after 2 days working =O unbelievable rite??? wuahahaha gotta go work nowww! BYE X.O.X.O ...
AWW ! feeling so free now ^^ left 1 more EST paper on 8th of December ! I love going out with my girlssss funnnn!! Went Roller Skating at World of Wheels located at King Centre FYI, RM 10 for an hour and RM 25 for the whole day...REMEMBER TO BRG UR OWN SOCKS ! fell once..OUCH...but it was fun though !...
Early Christmas wishes to my dear readers =) Went to The Spring mall and someone requested us to take a pic n our pic wil be hung on the christmas tree in the mall !! WOOTS =3 So cute ! we look so happy =P today is our 'ji mui' outing ! My buddy,Vivienne,picked me out ! whoo~she drive bohhh xD Our first...