
Updates :)

HELLO JANICE IS BACK!  I just finished my finalsssss ! OMG so excited. I've been so stressed up last few weeks. My blog is dead. now re-alive! *I hope* But somehow, I managed to attend some events n now I'm gonna blog about the interesting ones :D So yeah, there's an event called Rainfest (Borneo Rain forest Music Festival 2013) that's held annually...

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AIESEC - A year of excellence #AYOE2013

HELLO :) Have you guys heard of AIESEC? It is basically a world's largest youth-run organization. It is a platform to train a youth's leadership skills and also to enable us to step into a real working environment which allows us to expands our networks among various organizations. You can try to Google it if you're keen to know more about AIESEC :)...

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