

Happy Chinese New Year readersss :) I know it's kinda late to wish you all...but..oh well... it's still CNY ~ Not many angpao received this year...Am I too old for it?T^T I'm still young lehhh :P going to be 19 in two days !! NUUUUU~ BTW !  I received my pre-CNY n Birthday gift from MIVVA via Jane Chuck @ Chuckei ( MY...

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Movie Review: Hansel and Gretel

Hello peeps :)  Meet my sisterssss :P LOLLL BTW I've just went to MBO,The Spring and watched a movie last night, HANSEL & GRETEL ! I know I'm kinda late :( But I finally have time to go out YAY I love love love (x infinity) the movie ! So many love :P means tat I really love it.  Hansel and Gretel is...

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