
Late Update ...♥

Hi I'm Janice Kong =D Sorry readers... I'm busyyyy... :O spider web growing at my blog liao T^T... SPM left 90++ days ONLY~ OMG OMG OMG!!! hmm..last Sat I went to The Spring wif Alby.. sing K thr.. and I help her do photoshooting too =) AHHH..I hv to Jiayou for SPM le.. STUDY STUDY JANICE KONG !!! *I miss YOU badly waaa!~*...

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Alby's Bday Bash @ Station One,The Hills

This is a post about alby's Bday on last Saturday ^^We celebrated her birthday at Station One ^^I'd oso sang a song for her that dayheh heh =pMany ppl attend oh~So fun =3The cake that I designedand made by Taiwan Cake House ^^Nice rite? =)HAPPY BDAY ALBY...old liao hoh..xDMy meal..Chicken Maryland..RM 14.90 =)not badu can choose frm 3 types of sauce:Station One sauce,blackpepper...

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This is a long long long ago post O.o

Hello Readers... *I'll start with a pic taken by my dear =)* Welcome once again ^^ Hah ! Let's start wif something that happened...erm..last month I think?..LOL Tis is my school's hari koperasi sale... The menu I wrote ^^ The nice fried chic tat I cooked ! BEST ! Top-Seller item ! nxt is abt EAT at BUNTAL~~ my dad suddenly suggest to...

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Hi readersss...I'm sick now :(Let me show a pic of my eye ~~ red rite?I cant wear contact lens now !and I lost my spec...ARGH~I'm like blind now T^Tnahh~here's a pic of me singing at Station One @ Hills MallI'm working partime as a singer over thr :)I hope I can improve my singing skillsstill learning ~GAMBATEH ^^I hv to rest liaooo~my eye's...

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Chloe's Bday =)

I've cut my own hair today.. here's the new look =p Here's Chloe,my couz...the Bday gal =) She's 8 yrs old ^^ Here comes naughty Nathan =p Here's her bday cake! Angry Bird Cheese cake.. but the cake part not much..and this cake is DAMN Expensive too :O HAPPY B'DAY CHLOE ! Her big sis is left out bcs she's slping ..Buh-Bye readerssss......

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