
Im bek__27th august

Im back...FinallyI've missed u so damn much..2nite u're hving ur bball compGAMBATEH dear =)support u..Hope u dun get any injuriesL Ymuahs Im back...FinallyI've missed u so damn much..2nite u're hving ur bball compGAMBATEH dear =)support u..Hope u dun get any injuriesL Ymuahs ...

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off to airport..bye...miss u allMUAHSS..guai harr~ off to airport..bye...miss u allMUAHSS..guai harr~ ...

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SORRY...Wad shud i do?tell me how?I just dun like u saying tatu dun wan medun love mehate metis kind of thgsI WILL FEEL SAD DEof coshaihy u need to say we not matchn tis kind of thgs?i've noo feeling de hia?smtimes i play xia u oso nid angry me til lidat o?I dun lyk to hurt uand I dunno wad i did tat...

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We've been along together..getting thru lots of thgs..sad..happy..sweet..funny =pn bla bla blaI don wanna let it go easily anymoreI'LL TRUST U NO MATTER WADbut I just dun wan u to feel tat I'll get used to it..ACTUALLYI'm not..I dun like it~its like sharing my own dear wif othersI sure if its u,u oso wont like it de mahh~ Dear,I get happy n I...

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♥12 August♥

Biii~u're finally here...i slept well everyday when u're hereLove ur hugs...ur kiss...n lyk 2 hold u =)I hope it wil last..but its almost the time tat u hv 2 leave again Sometimes i cry...I'm reli sorry 4 tat...I cried,Bcz....of JeaLouSy..I dun lyk the feel tat...I feel like sharing u wif othersI trust u..BUTI just hate tat kind of feeling so muchIFI suddenly no...

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