U so far....i wan care for u~u're sickmy heart don feel gudhaihhw?sowee..for not bein thr 4 u =(but i care 4 u de..M Y ...
I've always needed time on my ownI never thought that I'd need you there when i cryand the days feel like years when i'm aloneand the bed where u lie is made up on ur side When u walk away I count the steps that u take Do u see hw much I need u right now? When u're goneThe pieces of my...
U said tat our relation has bcum more strange leI dunno whyU've change? or me?I've owes trying...reli reli hardbut wad I gain..is,,,just...=(Frens asked me to go out wif dem..but..i choose 2 stay at home.. wait u on9 ah!don't u knw tat??..nvm la..I wait u find bek those feelings 1st..i reli sucks in expressing my feelingsn the word SOWEEE hurtsss x.X..I L Y,tats y...
whr r u? I can't find u 2daytears drop in my hearteven ur fon oso knt get thruI MISS U ehhhhhh!!~~text me or call me if u miss me..plsI'll be waiting =( ...
U cried ytd?I told u i'm fine,but i'm notwanted 2 cal u..but i kntmy fon...haih =(waited for u..whr r u my dear?I M Y sooo muchhugscheer up bii~dun ever feel soweee k..hope tat u're reli reli finecoz i'm worrying bout u nw ...
Biii~ I can only express wad i wanna tell HERE..aduhhu can teach me hw 2 console ur lover?Isn't it better by actions?Hug dem when they're sad,kiss their forehead,hold their hands,whisper thru their ears...i know..but..wad i can do nw is just wait..for the day i can reli cheer u up..be with u..right by ur sidei owes hated myself..for not able to do some stuffs...
2 more weeks n u're be hereI'm waiting for the day 2 arriveso happy n nervousI will start learning how to take k of myselfDun owes let u worry lah =)u hv 2 be happy everydayI'll share my happiness with ubut sadness....it depends..wanna share everythg wif uonly sked u angry or unhappy only=)LOVE U only...Muahs ...
Im at skul library now...heheI Miss HIM nah =)hmm...test is coming again~aza!! fighting!! GAMBATEH everyone15 more days to gohappy happymuahssLeo & interact installation is coming soon..wad am i gonna wear nah?HmM @@still thinking... %^&*@I wan my Biii to be happy everyday so im being more guai ledun let u worry yapinky promise =DTiK ToK~~.... ...
Miss u miss u i miss u...AHA!!i wanna watch DESPICABLE ME...AGNES...!!..agrh...MBO starts showing 2day lahhh...i wan go..anyone pls brg me!! Hmm..I'm absent frm skul 2day~hehewatched SPAIN V.S GERMANY last niten webcam-ing wif Bino nid slp kiwuahaha~XIXI...smile smilehope tat no more complicated problems appeared lah =Dwanna be happy everyday when i think of u 27 more days..I'm WAITING =)ILYHEARTS U ... ............ .............................................................................................. ...
Halo..2day kinda fun yea~my skul koperasi day =)I help out at my leo stall..whoo~we manage 2 sale lots of our thgs,especially the 'ribena sprite'it was tired tho..EXHAUSTEDhmm,'momo tang' called me quite a several times 2dayheard him laughing,my mood went good n my energy level boost up SUDDENLY...hehess..im gonna upload some pics..tats all 4 2day~bye ...