Just recently I read an article about "leaving your friends out of your relationships" which I can totally relate with and I agree that we shouldn't share too much to our friends. Lesson learned. Generally speaking I really do not get what they think because I personally won't act such way if similar things happened so I never expected these. I even got...
When we grew older, we'll see clearer what kind of "friends" we have around. Those who can truly understand and always be by your side is not necessarily who you think. Those who forgot what you did when they're at the worst & not considerate enough to tolerate with you when you're not at your best are just bullshxxs. We don't need "friends" who take sides easily. We don't need people that spoils your mood constantly so we need to eliminate some of that in life. God bless.
It's the 11th week Ooi Theck Shieng left but it still feels just like yesterday :')